Monday 10 August 2015



“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. –Maya Angelou”

Now the door is open. For a new business opportunity

This business will surely make you feel Good. This Business will always make you to remember me.

But the question is………..

If you could choose one business opportunity to get involved in right now,
Which would it be?

Which business would you start, if you were sure it would make you tons of money enough to give you the kind of peace, satisfaction and freedom you’ve ever wanted? 

Pause. And think. Before you answer.

While you are still thinking on it….let me introduce myself to you

I am Josephson peter okwudili, MD Success guide Enterprise, . Founder Multiple Vineyard Empowerment club .A business consultant, one of the top genuine internet marketers and I've been at this, (making my living completely online) for a very long time. I know what it takes to make money from the Internet and I've also taught lots of people just like me, how to exactly make money online via my seminar, one-on-one trainings, ebooks, DVD etc.

Since 2010 I've been working for myself from home. Over the years from then until now I've had incredibly good reslut. I've produced dozens of top selling eBooks, CD and other programs that help ordinary Nigerian Achieve result, programs like MC (modified contribution) a program created to help individuals solve their financial problems, MVEC (Multiple VineyardEmpowerment Club,Success guide  Educational foundation

I have been featured at success digest magazine and at the Nation newspaper
Check the proofs here……..


Also I was given award of $500 dollar cash and a certificate of accomplishment showing that am a DOER .

So what this means is that I am qualify to tell you what works and what cannot work

If you need to know more about me, simple Google search “Josephson peter okwudili”. will tell you more about me than what I will possibly remember to tell you.

My services as a Business consultant,internet marketer,website design are in constant hot demand. In a nutshell, I Teach people how to GET RESULTS  BOTH ONLINE/OFFLINE business!

This material is created and given out for free as a step towards actualizing my dream of empowering at least 1000 Nigerian to become Millionaires in 2015.

My business is solely helping make other people rich, and in the process, I get rich myself

That is all I do. I help people make money, and then I make money.
Please understand that my entire business is built around this quote by Zig Ziglar, which says……

From the onset I understand that……..

This is why this information is priceless and not every internet marketer will have the big heart of dishing out such live-changing information for Free.

Unlike other "internet marketers" that rely on bogus testimonials and fake screenshots to try to get you to buy their junk, am giving you something they can't – for free.

And, no, I'm not doing this to try to make a name for myself as some Internet marketing "guru."
The truth is, the only reason I'm doing this is because I know that

“Success is not just reaching
the top,But also helping others go up”

“Success is not about having
Fame or fortune
But helping others avoid misfortune”

If you don't trust me you probably won't take advantage of what am about offering you

This is why I try to let you understand why am sending this information to you

So now that you know I really can help you make money .I has to urge you to listen now and listen very well


The answer is here………

The answer is here………

Do you want to make sure you get involved with a business opportunity that will pay you quality money equal to the effort you put in and keep paying you non-stop?

If your answer is yes, then I have just the perfect business opportunity for you. It’s a...Bullet-Proof Business Opportunity!

What I am going to do is...

*Tell you in a very clear term exactly what I'm offering you, with no hype

*Reveal what the business is all about and how I will help you start making money right away

*... and also help you get started right now

This business is the kind of business opportunity that allows you to make money, a lot of money by the way. . .

It will make you money in the morning, it will make you money in the afternoon, and it will make you money in the evening.

It will make you money even while you are still sleeping or awake …..

Here’s a hint: it’s a business system in which you will get paid anything from N10, 000, N100, 000 or N200, 000 every week even without doing anything

Now Hear this………..

In this Business you don’t have to sell anything to make money. You will still make money Even If you do not refer anybody!

I can hear you screaming, “But Mr. peter, how on earth is that possible!
You will find out. Keep reading

What I'm offering is a realistic opportunity that you can start with almost nothing and make huge income weekly.

What’s the Business All About.

The business is a Network marketing business


Hear what Robert kiyosaki have to say…..

Now according to statistics conducted in the year 2012……

Network marking industry breaks new records and generate more fund more than any other industry……

Welcome to the Highest Paid Profession in the World.Network marketing Business is the “In thing” now.

Sales, Marketing & Distribution is the highest paid profession in the world!

The highest earners in this category: Direct Selling, Direct selling is simply a business model where people get paid to refer a product or service to people they know and people they meet and where they can build their own business empire and get paid on the sales made by those in their empire!

Direct selling allows you to take advantage of “Leverage & Residual Income,” the 2 most powerful wealth building concepts ever created!

If you are not into networking, you are probably out of business because your network is your net worth

Network marketing Business is the only big business that you can start with little capital. Yes you start with little money but you make huge profits.

Now hear what Bill Gate have to say about network marketing…..

Look who Endorse Network marketing Business……

Therefore the name of the network marketing company we will be doing business with is called wealthflow Network Company International. They have office here in Nigeria and in the USA.

WealthFlow Network is an online Multi-Level-Marketing firm that also renders services to their members. The company is involved in business such as Real Estate Investment, Property Development Finance, Credit Facilities for business development.

They mentor and empower young and aspiring entrepreneurs in raising capital through their program in order to grow their businesses, providing job opportunities, and inspire their communities.  Wealthflow is a new and depth free company.

One of their business is REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT (Invest for your Residual Income) Wealth Flow Network has partnership with real estate companies round the world (USA, CANADA, DUBAI, NIGERIA, SOUTH AFRICA, etc) and will help the members in any level to invest in a good/quality Estate companies that will yield you residual income.

Other of their service

Multi Level Marketing Program (MLM):

Their Contacts

U.S.A.PHONE +164-684-47306

512 RD, D CLOSE, HOUSE 34,

No Doubt this wealthflow business is Pure Gold for the Serious Ones

It’s important to note here that I do not want a crowd in this business. I am only doing this to help those who are ready to make serious money before the end of this year

Why wealthflownetwork ?  is the network marking business platform we will be working pay plan is a 7 x 7 force matrix this means you only enroll seven people directly under you and you encourage your team to do the same.

Wealthflow network pays you even when you enroll only one person. You earn  N1000 per person that joins your network directly and indirectly up to 7 level deep. That is to say you keep making money from the work you did just once upto 7th levels

This means if someone directly under you earn N7,000 you too will earn N7,000.

If someone indirect you earns another N7,000 you too will earn another N7,000.Whatever your downline earns, you earn as well.


Do you know that with only one active downline in your network you can make up One Hundred and Forty Million Naria (N140,000,000)

Then image when you have 7 active downlines, you can make to Five Million Dollars One Billion Naira (1,000,000,000) with only one time signup fee

Wealthflownetwork is design in such a way that if everybody in your network can enroll seven persons within a month of joining, then you can make up to Five Million dollars ($5,000,000) or One Billion Naira (N1,000,000,000) within seven months. No target but you can give yourself a target

Here is the compensation plan


Remember you only need 7 people and the rest is from other people and you keep earning from them.

I love this plan, so simple that even newbie’s can start making money the next day.


After all the hard work, wealthflow have decided to reward you for your extra effort. The following rewards are obtainable from completing  level 2 and above.

For completing 2nd level 

A Brand New Laptop

After completing level two you will be rewarded with a LAPTOP/TABLET OR $200 or N40,000.This mean you only need 49 people in your team to have a Laptop free of charge. Remember the 49 people is a compilation of you and your people and the people your people bring. I hope you understand the maths
For completing 3rd level 

International Trip to Dubai

After completing level three you will be rewarded with an INT’L TRIP TO DUBIA OR you take home with $1,500 or N300, 000.In this you only need 343 people to qualify for this.

For completing 4th Level

Brand New car

After completing level Four you will be rewarded with a CAR OR $10,000 or N2,000,000. Here need only 2401 people in your team to qualify
For completing 5th Level

Family Trip to USA

After completing level Five you will be rewarded with a FAMILY TRIP TO USA OR $35,000 or N7, 000,000.

 For completing the 6th level


After completing level Six you will be rewarded a SUV CAR OR $50,000 or N10,000,000.

For completing the 7th level

Here in this business
We are working like A TEAM

One of the guys in our Team, Mr.Moses the guy that brought our attention to this awesome business now earns a lot of money from this business weekly.

Now I have to remind you that we have a great team that we are working with, this business is all about TEAM WORK

I think I should show you the team am working with. These guys are wonderful people.

With this kind of guys, Am sure of everybody making at least N200,000 weekly.

Take my word

First in the team is MR MOSES OFILI

Mr.Mose ofili is the MD of Hamotech communication International

He is a father, motivator and a good networker. Recently he was awarded a brand new car from another network company

Here is the certificate…..

Mr ofili have over 2,000 people in his network and he is diverting them to wealthflow.Now imagine when you are among this team.

Another is ……………

Mr.okolie is the MD of DEncourager International. He is a husband, motivator,encourager and above all a networker. Like Mr. Ofili, he has about 2,000 people from his network. He has also been awarded a car from his former network. He has travel abroad several times via network market business

Another person on our team is …..

Mr. Chuddy is the MD of Chudank International. He is also a motivate and a networker. He has over 1,000 people in his network. He will be diverting them to wealthflow.
He has traveled abroad several times via network marketing business.


Now imagine being part of this team. We are sure going places.

When I see the caliber of people I will be working with, I did not hesitate to join this business.

And am saying that to you right now….Don‘t even wait the next minute to join us

By joining this team, which means you are sure going to get spill over from us. That is why I said you can even make money in this business without referring a single soul. YES I mean it.

Now don’t ask me how? ……..

Because that is the best part of this business. Leveraging on the shoulder of others to achieve result which ordinarily only you cannot achieve.

Now I know the question in your mind will be like? I don’t know how to introduce people or I am not into this networking things

Don’t worry, all your I need from you is your desire and interest in this business and every other thing will fall in place

Here this from Richard Branson……

 I can assure you in this business their pay plan is one of the best that helps everybody in the system to make money.

Remember in this pay plan whatever you earn is what I will also earn. If the company pays you N5,000 as my downline ,I your upline will also make N5,000.In this case I will be willing to work for you because the more people I help to succeed the better my own success)

So making money from this business is a team work. So What I have decided to do is help as many as I can who are interested in this business, so if you are interested in these business, please come join us now. We are committed in helping you succeed... It’s a win; win affairs.

I can assure you, you’ll not regret doing so. With our advertisement on the

*Dailies (Newspaper)
*Email marketing

And other medium we will drive this business far

Remember in this business whatever your upline earns, that’s what the downline earns.This is to say as your upline, I will be happy to work for you because whatever they pay you my downline also comes to me your upline.

The more people I try to help to make money,
The more money I make...

I have seen a similar offer like this before but never got to make any money from it. How is this different?

Well, think about this quote from Robert kiyosaki…..


All I can say to you is that you have a big chance from this opportunity. This offer attracted you because you really want to make money. Same way it will attract other people who also want to make money. Many people that you put this offer in their front will definitely go for it because of the low cost and onetime payment on like other program that you pay monthly fee. It cost only N12,000 to get started which means its affordable

This is simple business that sells its self. Honestly, once you see how easy it is to make money with this business opportunity, you won't be able to stop it.

This is so interesting……

I am part of this team and we all have what it takes to make this business work faster and for everybody that joins our team.

And am willing to give you a helping hand.

So, if you are ready for this business, I and the team will be guiding you on how to go about this business to ensure you become successful too. We will all work together. PERIOD!

My Plan for My Team Members
My plan is to ensure that the laziest person among my team member will be making at least N10, 000 weekly or N100,000 monthly.

Yes, the hard working ones will make as much as N200,000  monthly.
Please don’t doubt this because it is achievable. All you need to do is take advantage of our leverages, you can also leverage on the internet. I tell you people will rush to join this business from you.

We already have our strategy on ground which you can also plug into and start making money immediately. We shall be working smart! Gone are the days when you go after people to join your business instead people will be willing to join you because of the result you command.

Start Up Capital


I can see  a sign of relief from someone; you actually thought this will cost a fortune to register.

So with just an investment of N12, 000 only you start a business that pays you forever. And remember it’s a onetime fee and you don’t have to pay again.No monthly subscribtion.No Autoship etc…..

How sweet s that sound?

You really need to thank me later for bringing this opportunity your way. Now let’s make the money together.

Important Steps To Take Now

If you’ve made up your mind to be of this business and a member of our team, you will have to register with

To get started
First you need to make payment of N12,000 into wealthflow bank details

Bank Name: FCMB
Account number: 3152129015

After payment, send payment details to or  stating your full name for the payment immediately the company will forward you the registration pin in your email box

Now visit  and click on register

Something like this appears

Then click on the sign up. Another page appears……. Asking you for your sponsor username then put SUCCESSGUIDE and clicks next

Fill in your details then scroll down and fill your bank information where you want your money to be paid

After that scroll down a bit,then copy the registration pin sent to you and key it on the space under E-pin and then click on validate Epin.

Congratulation you are a registered member of wealthflow and you can start giving others your username for registration


You can request for the form, fill it and send to us via email and then pay to our bank and we shall do the registration on your behalf.


You can text your details to my phone number: 08035706109 or 08061130338 and make payment to our bank account

Bank Name: GTB

Account No: 0004989672

Account Name: Successguide Enterprises


Josephson peter okwudili

Account No:3021021429

Bank Name: First Bank Plc

By receiving your details and payment I personally will register and also place you on the right leg to enable you start earning immediately.

That’s all you need to do and you will be on your way of making upto N10,000 weekly or N100,000 monthly


Once you have successfully registered, please give me a call that I will updating up on our progress and latest happening about the business


It’s time for you to achieve your dream of earning extra income online through the help of our team. We need only serious and like-minded individuals who desired financial freedom!

I have done other internet business that failed but with full conviction and determination I believe strongly that this will work for any serious person

Therefore this will be superb for you.

To your success

Josephson peter okwudili

08035706109, 08061130338
